Advancing the Quality of


Services in Alaska

Advancing the quality of
Occupational Therapy
services in

oc-cu-pa-tion-al ther-a-py


therapy based on engagement in meaningful activities of daily life (such as self-care skills, education, work, or social interaction) especially to enable or encourage participation in such activities despite impairments or limitations in physical or mental functioning

About Us

The Alaska Occupational Therapy Association (AKOTA) is a non-profit organization that represents the interests of both occupational therapy practitioners and students. AKOTA’s mission is to serve its members in achieving excellence in healthcare by promoting quality occupational therapy services, enhancing professional identity, providing quality continuing education, and fostering, facilitating, and encouraging networking opportunities within the beautiful State of Alaska. The Alaska Occupational Therapy Association is a state affiliate of the national professional association, the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA).

WHY JOIN? Alaska is the largest state in the country with over 665,384 square miles. AKOTA provides a centralized voice and means to connect for occupational therapy practitioners and students across the state. AKOTA consists of volunteer board and committee members who collaborate with local and national leaders on healthcare and policy changes that directly affect occupational therapy services. Your membership also supports AKOTA’s ability to provide local conferences and communication platforms. The occupational therapy services you provide make a difference in the lives of Alaskans. Your AKOTA membership makes a difference by helping us advocate and advance the quality of those services.

Thank you!


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